Friday, March 30, 2012

Spring Break in a Nutshell

As the week winds down I figure it's time for a break, and nothing centers my purple parallels quite like blogging. Nothing super academic going on here, no sir, so if you're looking for some kind of commentary or reading/writing response then you'd best look elsewhere.


This is the first spring break I haven't gone away, and you know, I'm kind of glad I didn't. Got a lot of bonding done; so much bonding I'm starting to feel like a Double-O agent. ZING! I learned a lot about my friends, and a lot about myself, not all good though. The thing that bothers me about having a school-based blog is that I can't really get into too much detail, at least not with personal/private details. Whatever.

Vague Bullet-Point List of Spring Break Adventures: GO!

  • I should not have a girlfriend
  • Probably could have taken that Brazilian girl home
  • Two McDonalds trips within 20 minutes is not a good thing
  • I should not be in charge of throwing surprise parties
  • $10 can only get you so far
  • Figured out my goofy walk
  • Didn't learn to drive
  • I don't know people
  • Fudge is the hardest thing to finish

Lists are fun.


  1. While you couldn't add to much to the details, I still found this list super entertaining. The lack to details really encouraged me to fill in with my imagination (although I did try to avoid reading too much into #2)

  2. I'm liking the picture there Colton but I have to agree with something on your list... You shouldn't be in charge of planning surprise parties. haha

    1. I'm not the best planner. I planned hhis gift pretty well though ;)

  3. You know what is almost as hard to finish as fudge? Gobstoppers! Do you remember getting those as a kid, and trying to finish it all in one sitting, but then getting a HUGE sugar headache? Story of my life

  4. I totally agree with you about how having a school base blog makes it hard to get into much detail! My sister brought back me some fudge from Paris, now that fudge was hard to finish! It was so sweet, have you ever had fudge from Paris?
